Buy Essential Permit Patterns & Permit Flies 2 together and save 10%!
The paperback version of the Permit Flies Combo is available here.
From the Bahamas to Belize and every flat in-between, Essential Permit Patterns and Permit Flies 2 provide you with the knowledge to create proven permit flies for any estuary.
Together they provide 299 pages, illustrated with ultra-hi resolution images, insights, and interviews from saltwater fly tiers, guides, and gurus.
This selection of flies will ensure you are ready for just about anything the flats can throw at you. You'll have every critter and its size, sink rate, and color spectrum covered; whether it's tailing fish in skinny water, hitchhikers on rays, or deep water cruisers, you'll be ready for any scenario. This two-book bundle will give you the ability to emulate any prey item you may encounter.
Both books contain detailed step-by-step instructions for tying 13 proven patterns essential for catching permit in almost any scenario!
- Kung Fu Crab
- Original Rag Head Crab
- Inverted Merkin Crab
- Bottle Cap Crab
- McCrab
- The Reloaded Rag Head Crab
- Globster
- Alphlexo Crab
- Kwan
- Strong Arm Merkin
- McFly Foam Fiddler
- Gulf Coast Drifter
- Spawning Squimp
For more info about each ebook, check them out here: