Eight proven patterns for catching redfish
Crustaceans, shrimp, crabs, oysters, worms, pinfish, baitfish… dead or alive, it doesn’t really matter, redfish are opportunistic feeders and they eat just about everything. So catching them on fly should be easy right?
Not for me… For years redfish were my “White Wale” on fly. Too spooky, near misses, had ’em and lost ’em, terrible tides, you name the excuse I heard it or said it. For the vast majority of us, catching redfish on fly is just not that easy… and tying and designing flies for them, takes a little more than luck and a sharp hook.
“Redfish Flies” is loaded to the gills with ultra high resolution photography illustrating how to tie and fish some of todays best redfish patters. Guides and guru’s from Florida to Louisiana and everywhere in between have contributed their go-to redfish bugs. There’s no guess work here, Redfish Flies has elaborate step-by-step instructions for tying these eight proven redfish flies will walk you through the process of creating flies that work. Insightful interviews with each patterns creator will help you understand what conditions the fly is best suited for, and how the fly should be fished. Stunning photos from renowned photographers Pat Ford, Adrian Gray and David McCleaf will awe and inspire you to dust off your vise and get tying!
The eight pattens outlined in Redfish Flies have been fine-tuned and rigorously tested on countless grass flats, oyster bars and mangrove shorelines. Tying and stocking your box with this proven assortment of flies will ensure you have the ammunition need to coax even the most refined redfish, and the insight provided in the interviews of the contributing guides and tying guru’s will help you understand what factors need to be consider to create your own productive redfish flies.
Step-by-step tying instructions for tying the Kung Fu Blue Crab, Fiddle Sticks Crab, Pine Island Ice Tea, Budagrassy Shrimp, Rump Shaker, Grass Monkey,Gulf Shrimp, and the Batman. Eight proven patterns for catching redfish.
Insights from eight saltwater fly tiers, including Drew Chicone, Capt. Ron Ratliff, Capt. Daniel Andrews, Drei Stroman, Chris Kincaid, Capt. Joe Costadura, Bill Laminack, and Don Reed.
Redfish Flies is a 175 page eBook illustrated with ultra-hi resolution images.